Monday, January 3, 2011

3 Ways That Martial Arts Improves Confidence In A Child

Changing Lives Martial Arts
3 Ways That Martial Arts Improves Confidence In A Child

This article identifies three basic ways that martial arts improve a child's self-confidence. Those reasons include: redefining self-image, physical fitness leading to mental fitness, and not needing to be afraid of bullies.

martial arts,confidence

In my twenty years of experience as a martial arts instructor in Virginia Beach, I've found that parents bring their kids into my classes for a number of reasons. Obesity is a growing problem in this country and many parents bring in overweight children because martial arts helps them slim down. Bullying is also rampant and other parents appreciate martial arts because they want their child to know that they don't need to just take it. However, more than bullying or weight problems, the main reason parents bring their kids into one of our Virginia Beach area martial arts facilities is to help build their confidence.

Many children, even those who are not bullied or overweight, develop low self-esteem early in life. As a seventh degree black belt with a lifetime of experience, I've found that martial arts is one of the most powerful tools available for improving self-confidence in children. I think that this comes down to three basic factors.

Redefining Limitations

Mastering martial arts is hard work. Kids come in and find that they are asked to do things that seem difficult to impossible at first. However, through hard work and continued application, they are able to make the impossible possible and ultimately routine. Being able to master difficult martial arts techniques shows kids that they are more capable than they previously believed and makes them feel better about themselves. Generally, this carries over into other areas of their lives and improves their confidence overall.

Physical Fitness Equals Mental and Spiritual Fitness

There is an old saying that goes `A sound body equals a sound mind.' And you know what? It's true; especially in martial arts. As martial arts refines and reshapes a child's physique, making them stronger, more flexible, faster and more graceful, it has a transformative effect on their mental state. Physical flexibility leads to mental and spiritual flexibility. The physical challenges of martial arts help a child to feel more relaxed and at ease with themselves, and this provides a tremendous boost to their confidence.


Beyond all of its spiritual benefits and philosophies of non-violence, martial arts is a self-defense system. As kids study and improve in martial arts, they begin to walk taller with the knowledge that they need not fear bullies or let themselves get pushed around. We have a strong code of conduct in all of our martial arts programs for kids. Under no circumstances do we encourage using martial arts aggressively or to provoke a fight. However, if push comes to shove, martial arts provides our students with the tools they need to handle themselves confidently. In 99.9 percent of the cases, it will never come to that; however, just knowing that if it did, they would be okay would be a big confidence builder for kids who attend our martial arts classes.

For more information on how martial arts can help your child improve their confidence, contact us via our headquarters at: 757-471-9002 or via our website:
Changing Lives Martial Arts
Master Instructor Tracy Lee Thomas
7th Degree Black Belt

Affiliations: American Taekwondo Association
                      Krav Maga Worldwide

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